SAM4POS Software for Android

SAM4POS software for the Android Cash Register

The world's first purpose built Android cash register uses the SAM4POS software application. What this means for you is now we can leverage all the good things about cash registers like speed, durability, security and ease of use combined with all the reporting and flexibility of the Android operating system.

Nothing is as fast as a cash register for most retail and restaurant POS environments, however they lacked the reporting abilities of a computer system, missing cloud based reporting of tablet systems and other modern features the powerful Android revolution. Now you can have it all, a purpose built Android register with Android based software to tie it all together.

SAM4POS software is affordable and scalable to fit your needs. Why is this important to you? Well as an example we can now integrate hand held Android terminals with the registers enabling you to go onto the floor and change prices, add items, count stock in live real time with your cash register. Or another example is using tablets for line busting when your place is busy! Save time and get data quickly using the cloud based reporting with SAM4POS.

Get the best of both worlds and stop comprising. Give us a call at 800-863-2274 to schedule a demo of the SAM4POS Android POS application.

Currently SAM4POS operates on the following Android cash registers and POS terminal. Please select the one that best fits your application.